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BabyGolightly is slightly over 7 months now. In the past month or so so much has changed. He can now sit up unassisted for super long periods of time, he's crawling, he's pulling up and can stand in place for a couple seconds, and he can take a few steps behind his push toy. Of course he eats like a champ and he's long long long. He babbles on and on and on Dadadadadadaaaaaaaad. Still no Mama. = ( He's sleeping better, only getting up once maybe twice a night. He's overall the best baby ever. Our only problem - he will not sit still to get his diaper changed, get his clothes put on, put his coat on, or get strapped into his car seat - at all. It's a battle where we both come out pretty exhausted and battered by the time it's been accomplished. He's bawling and sweating and screaming and I'm about to do all those things myself. From what I hear this isn't a phase that will pass anytime soon. So, if you see a naked baby on the streets of North Beach, that's my son. Just say hi and remember to wave because we're trying to teach that to him now.