Been lazy and falling behind on updates. Nicholas is still his hard headed full of personality self. It seems like the past month or so he's gotten more and more stubborn with everything. His favorite word is "NO" although he'll throw in a "yes please" when he really wants something. LOL!
He shocked me this past week when we sat down to eat lunch. He was already in his high chair starting in on his meal when I sat down with my plate. He said, "Mama hand" and I thought how sweet he wants to hold my hand, awwwww. Then he kept looking at me kind of like, well....I'm waiting.....suddenly it dawned on me, he wants to say prayer. Rich & Kenya & I have always held hands and said prayer before meals and here he was asking to say prayer. We said our prayer and Nicholas said, "maymen" and now we pray with him before each meal, often quite a few times and we've started our bedtime prayer as well.
Last Friday Rich gave Nicholas his 2nd haircut. That's his 2nd haircut in his life and his 2nd haircut in the past 2 months. His hair is growing incredibly fast!
Getting ready for Halloween, we're going to a pumpkin patch this weekend, and the weather is changing. Getting colder everyday.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago