Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Excuse me

So this is something that happened a while back but I have to post it for posterity. Can't let this one get forgotten.

Since Nicholas was really little when he would walk up and want to get by you or want you to get out of his way he would say, "Move."
Everytime I would tell him, "We don't say move we say excuse me."

So fast forward some months. I pick Nicholas up from his Grandma's and she tells me this little happening of the day:
She was moving his highchair in the kitchen and he was standing right behind her. She said to him, "move Nicholas."
She told me he looked at her, crinkled up his eyebrows like he does and said very sternly, "You don't say move. You say excuse me."

My bossy boy is now the politeness police

End of the month lookback, March

A look back at March over the past couple of years. Wow has he grown!

March 2008
Birth - 9lb 13.9oz, 20inches

March 2009
1 year old - 25lb 5oz, 33inches

March 2010
2 years old - approx 35lb, 40inches

Yum & Umm

Garlic cheddar mashed potatoes that I made = Yummmmm times eleventy billion

3 day old leftover steak sandwich with extra cheese added = Ummmmmm not so much
Kind of dry in parts, kind of soggy in others.

For those that live in the Columbia, PA area, Joe's is not better than Smith's. Just so you know.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Undies on the outside

Nicholas WAS pottytrained until August of last year. We went on vacation, he decided he wanted to wear diapers like his cousin McKinzy and he reverted back to not going on the potty anymore (I blame this all on my sister because she's McKinzy's Mommy)

So we've had to try to start all over and his stoubborn streak says he's not going on the potty unless he wants to. I've tried to bribe him with big boy undies which he loves but I tell him he can only wear them if he goes on the potty and doesn't wear diapers anymore.

So he goes upstairs and comes down like this

Apparently this kid is smarter than me. He will still wear his diaper, still wear his undies, and still not go on the potty.
Score: Nicholas = 1 Mommy = 0

Leave me alone, I'm not coming home, Don't cry Mommy

Turning 2 has aged Nicholas. He's gotten really big in his britches.

This weekend he was playing behind the window blinds. I told him to come out from there. He said to me "Leave me alone!" Now I know this is the first and probably the tamest of some nasty things that will be said over the years, especially about 10 - 15 years from now but I don't think I was ready for that.

We've been having a rough time with drop-off and pick-up at Grandma's for daycare. I think being on vacation for over a week, being out of his routine, having a bunch of new people around, and not seeing his Grandma has been hard on my little guy. I think he's afraid if he leaves Grandma's house at the end of the day he won't be back to see her anytime soon.

Friday I go to pick him up in the evening, and he's fighting. He doesn't want to leave Kicking, screaming, crying. When I try to take him from Grandma to put him in the car, he clings to her for dear life.

She says he can stay, he says he wants to stay, I say whaaaaaat?

I'm proud that he's big enough to think he can stay away from Mommy for the night but hurt he doesn't want to come home with me. Being the grown and mature person I am (on the outside, on the inside I'm bawling) I explain to him that he can stay but it means Mommy is not going to be there and I'll come back and get him tomorrow morning. All he says is "Bye Mommy." Waving, skipping back inside Grandma's house. I keep trying to explain the situation and before Ii finish my sentences he says, "Bye Mommy." So I drive away.

I get no further than 2 minutes down the road and the phone rings. When he saw my truck pull away, he lost it. So I go back and get him.

Saturday evening I get Nicholas out of the tub, wrap him in his towel, and we stand in front of the mirror to make our faces for a few minutes like we always do.

We do the cheesy smile face:

We do the pouty lip face:

And a few other favorites.

Then I ask him for a kiss. He shoots me down. Knife to the heart I start to fake cry. I push out my bottom lip and make sobbing noises.

He looks at me and says, "Don't cry Mommy" and gives me a big wet one.

I've never fake cried with him before, I didn't know it would hurt him so much.

I think he's not to old to still love his Mommy after all.

Monday, March 29, 2010

2nd birthday and vacation

Nicholas turned 2 last week! He's gotten so big and is getting "older" and more of a character by the day.

He didn't have a great time at the party, I think he was overwhelmed by the prior week of vacation spent back and forth between Pennsylvania and home, having people staying in "his" house playing with "his" toys, meeting all kinds of new people, being out of his routine. The party was just too much. I spend the entire day holding him and trying to get him to be happy. The pic above is the result of trying to get a group shot of all 5 cousins. Big FAIL.

My Mom did an awesome job with the Nemo cake! This was her first attempt at using fondant and it turned out great!

(I made the waves)

The finished Nemo!

Nicholas and McKinzy got to spend a lot of time together this past week. It was a good thing and a bad thing. Apparently neither of them really like to share their toys or their space or their Mommies or much of anything else for that matter. There were some really cute moments between the two of them though and there were some torrential meltdowns. I think we're all in agreement, next year our time togeher should be shorter.