Turning 2 has aged Nicholas. He's gotten really big in his britches.
This weekend he was playing behind the window blinds. I told him to come out from there. He said to me "Leave me alone!" Now I know this is the first and probably the tamest of some nasty things that will be said over the years, especially about 10 - 15 years from now but I don't think I was ready for that.
We've been having a rough time with drop-off and pick-up at Grandma's for daycare. I think being on vacation for over a week, being out of his routine, having a bunch of new people around, and not seeing his Grandma has been hard on my little guy. I think he's afraid if he leaves Grandma's house at the end of the day he won't be back to see her anytime soon.
Friday I go to pick him up in the evening, and he's fighting. He doesn't want to leave Kicking, screaming, crying. When I try to take him from Grandma to put him in the car, he clings to her for dear life.
She says he can stay, he says he wants to stay, I say whaaaaaat?
I'm proud that he's big enough to think he can stay away from Mommy for the night but hurt he doesn't want to come home with me. Being the grown and mature person I am (on the outside, on the inside I'm bawling) I explain to him that he can stay but it means Mommy is not going to be there and I'll come back and get him tomorrow morning. All he says is "Bye Mommy." Waving, skipping back inside Grandma's house. I keep trying to explain the situation and before Ii finish my sentences he says, "Bye Mommy." So I drive away.
I get no further than 2 minutes down the road and the phone rings. When he saw my truck pull away, he lost it. So I go back and get him.
Saturday evening I get Nicholas out of the tub, wrap him in his towel, and we stand in front of the mirror to make our faces for a few minutes like we always do.
We do the cheesy smile face:
We do the pouty lip face:
And a few other favorites.
Then I ask him for a kiss. He shoots me down. Knife to the heart I start to fake cry. I push out my bottom lip and make sobbing noises.
He looks at me and says, "Don't cry Mommy" and gives me a big wet one.
I've never fake cried with him before, I didn't know it would hurt him so much.
I think he's not to old to still love his Mommy after all.