Nicholas was invited to his first birthday party last weekend. His only concern before accepting the invitation is do they have birthday hats and cake. Since they did, he was happy to go and had a great time! All the kids did (and I think the parents too).
The party was at Romp N Roll. They had tons of mats and slides and jumpy things and fun games for the kids.
Here's Nicholas climbing up a rock wall

Marino & his Daddy

A parachute game

Dancing with bubbles

Catching bubbles

Here's the birthday boy with his Yo Gabba Gabba hat

Balloons, hats, kids, kids, and more kids
Nicholas in the ever important birthday hat

Chowing down on some cake and Rita's Italian Ice. (Sara knows how to make me a BFF really quick)

A shot of Marino and his gorgeous Mommy, Sara. I'm so sorry this photo came out so blurry, it's a really sweet picture.