Thursday, July 30, 2009

Guess what?????????

Love you!!!!

I've been saying this to Nicholas since just about the day he was born. I say guess what, pause a second then say, love you. Just for fun. I said this to him earlier and the week and to my surprise I said guess what, he said duv do. He really does melt my heart.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

If I don't laugh....I'll cry

Yesterday was my day off. Nicholas & I ran an errand, went for a walk, then just spent the rest of the day at home. We ate lunch, vacuumed the bathrooms, kitchen, and living room. He took a nap. Then he woke up and it began. I don't know what happened while he was sleeping but my sweet little boy woke up a complete and total monster. I have never seen these tantrums and antics from him before. I seriously had to check to make sure that somebody didn't sneak in and replace my wonderful baby with some misbehaved hooligan while he was napping. He didn't get his way (he wanted to pull the vaccum out for the 3rd time) then threw himself on the floor in front of the laundry room door and screamed a scream I've never experienced before. He kicked the door, rolled all over, sobbed, pounded his fists. Where did this come from? I left him and said when he was done and felt like coming downstairs to join me, I'd see him then. So I heard this God awful scream and sobbing and pounding coming down the stairs and I thought my poor baby was tumbling. I went running to see that it was just him coming down one step at a time, pausing, beating the step, and screaming. Then he moved on to the next step.
He threw toys down the stairs, hit me, banged the walls with every toy he owns. I put him in time out and when I came around the corner to tell him it was ok to get up now, he saw me and said "boo" then laughed like crazy. He thought it was a game, it was sooooo hilarious to him. Me, I wasn't thinking it was so fun but I had to laugh. If I didn't, I would have cried my eyes out. I'm hoping this was just a random fluke of a bad day and this isn't a peek into the future of the "terrible twos"

Monday, July 27, 2009

Ladies Man

Yes, I have a bonafide ladies man on my hands. We went walking on the boardwalk and pier Saturday around 6:oopm. Normally we go really early in the morning and there's hardly anybody out there - just some fishermen and a handful of older folks getting exercise. When we went at 6:00 it was still slightly crowded there were tons of ladies to fawn all over Nicholas. How can they resist? He waves at them and says, "hiiiiii", bats his eyes, turns his head to the side, and gives a sly little half smile. Then he turns to Mommy, buries his head in between my legs and acts all shy. Aaaaawwwww, isn't he the cutest? Isn't he adorable? Yeah ladies, he is. And he's working you too. He's playing you for your compliments. How do I know this? When he sees a man, he waves and keeps on walking.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


OMG I want this swimsuit! We live near the beach, Nicholas loves the beach, I hate to go to the beach because I refuse to wear a swimsuit. I think the last time I wore a swimsuit was when I was a freshman in highschool and weighed about 125 pounds and had zero fat on me anywhere. I think this swimsuit might just change all that. (from I might actually be able to take Nicholas into the water like a normal Mommy.

Animal sounds

Nicholas is making animal sounds now. Ducks say gack gack, Monkeys say hoo hoo, and dogs say woof! Everytime we see a dog he barks at it. I'm kind of concerned when we go to Texas in 2 weeks and he spends the whole time in the house with my parent's Golden Retriever, he might to get too familiar. I have that fear of animals and kids together (I know it stems from our sweet, cuddly, loving family dog trying to eat me like Thanksgiving dinner when I was about 13). I'm sure all will be fine and Nicholas will probably make a new buddy in Riggins, but I know I'll be in full-on Mama mode the whole time ready to pounce to protect my little one.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Back to Blogging

I'm super duper bad at keeping up with blogs and the such. I think I was fooling myself when I said I was going to document every milestone , event, and cute antecdote throught Nicholas' life on this blog (or anywhere for that matter - my babybook is non-existant). The only thing I'm decently good at keeping up with are pictures.

After reading a friend's blog today about her son (this goes out to Miss Sara and Mister Marino), I've been inspired so I thought I'd give it a whirl again.

What better way to start up than with a cute little story from this week:
I was off on Wednesday this week so I spend the day home with Nicholas. About 8:00 that morning we went down to the boardwalk to stroll (that's code for we went down to the boardwalk to let Nicholas run himself silly in the hopes that he would conk out for a good nap later in the morning). As we were walking along Nicholas said, "here", which normally means he's handing me a rock, or a stick, or a filthy nasty piece of something that's he's picked up off the ground. This time though, I looked down and he was giving me his hand. So we walked along for a little bit just holding hands. Aaaawwwwwww. I melted, it was so sweet. Nicholas isn't a terribly cuddly little guy, I'll get a hug or a kiss from time to time and he certainly hates when I make him hold my hand crossing the street. So for him to want to hold my hand was enough to almost bring Mommy to tears. I'm looking forward to more cuddly days.