Friday, July 24, 2009

Back to Blogging

I'm super duper bad at keeping up with blogs and the such. I think I was fooling myself when I said I was going to document every milestone , event, and cute antecdote throught Nicholas' life on this blog (or anywhere for that matter - my babybook is non-existant). The only thing I'm decently good at keeping up with are pictures.

After reading a friend's blog today about her son (this goes out to Miss Sara and Mister Marino), I've been inspired so I thought I'd give it a whirl again.

What better way to start up than with a cute little story from this week:
I was off on Wednesday this week so I spend the day home with Nicholas. About 8:00 that morning we went down to the boardwalk to stroll (that's code for we went down to the boardwalk to let Nicholas run himself silly in the hopes that he would conk out for a good nap later in the morning). As we were walking along Nicholas said, "here", which normally means he's handing me a rock, or a stick, or a filthy nasty piece of something that's he's picked up off the ground. This time though, I looked down and he was giving me his hand. So we walked along for a little bit just holding hands. Aaaawwwwwww. I melted, it was so sweet. Nicholas isn't a terribly cuddly little guy, I'll get a hug or a kiss from time to time and he certainly hates when I make him hold my hand crossing the street. So for him to want to hold my hand was enough to almost bring Mommy to tears. I'm looking forward to more cuddly days.

1 comment:

Sara B said...

Thanks for the shout out! I find the more often I blog, the easier it is, since it's not overwhelming to cover a few days like it is to cover weeks at a time. Looking forward to reading about Nicholas and hopefully seeing you guys in a couple weeks!