Thursday, April 15, 2010

Nicasso's masterpieces

I have an artiste' on my hands. Except my little painter doesn't use oils on canvas, he uses crayons & markers and draws on...well basically anything he can find. As demonstrated here:

Marker on the wall

Crayon on the wall

Marker on the side of the table

Marker on the top of the table

Marker on the top of the other side of the table

Crayon on the choo choo tracks

Crayon on the carpet

Marker on the carpet (it's very faint but it's green)

Marker on the chair

And marker on another chair
Marker on the playtable
And marker inside the cupholder on the playtable

Luckily most of this is removeable with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and some elbow grease.

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