Thursday, April 1, 2010

3 things Thursday

An idea stolen from a wonderful Mommy Friend, Sara from Taking on the World With Our Boy.

I'm gonig to try to keep up with a "3 things Thursday". 3 things each week I'm happy about, grateful for, loving, etc.

So :drumroll please: for week#1 here are my 3 things for Thursday

1. I am so excited about the warmer weather. After the horrid winter we had, it snowed so much I swear I farted snowflakes, I'm glad to see the sun.

I was able to take Nicholas outside last night to ride his bike when we got home. He made a new little friend in the neighborhood and it made for a great evening.

2. Driving my own truck. After 2 weeks of driving "the blue beast" (what I affectionately call the monstrosity that is the Yukon) I'm so glad to have my little truck back, and hey it starts right up and gets me where I got to go.

3. Snuggling and cuddles from Nicholas when he's sleepy. We read and watch his shows in the evening on the couch and when he's getting sleepy he snuggles in under my arm. Then we go up to bed and I lay with him until he falls asleep and I love right when he's about to drift off, he scooches his little but up to me, sticks his feet between my legs and snuggles there.

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