Friday, September 11, 2009

He sings and he's so sweet he gets eaten

He sings his ABCs and his favoritest song ever, Wheels On The Bus! The ABCs just came about yesterday. As I sing he sings along with me, you can kind of make out some of the letters and when the song is over, he's so proud of himself he claps and gives the biggest loudest Yaaaaay you've ever heard!
Wheels On The Bus is his all time favorite though. He's got the hand motions and words down pat for the horn goes beep beep beep, baby goes wah wah wah, and the mommy goes shh shh shh. Then he sings All thru the TOWN!
I'm going to try to get this on tape over the weekend but his normal MO is to stop performing as soon as he sees the camera

One of the worst things ever, my little boy is so sweet he's been getting eaten alive by some elusive invisible insect. I assume it's a mosquito or a gang of mosquitos. Last Saturday his ankle got all swollen and red, he had a welt on his cheek and only after doses of Benadryl did I realize he had been bitten about 7 times on one ankle! Yesterday morning he woke up with a huge I mean HUGE knot on his forehead right in between his eyebrows. He looked like cyclops. Another bite! What kind of crazy stinking bug bites a baby right in between the eyes? It's on if I see that bugger, I'm ready to take him down