Monday, August 31, 2009

Apparently I need to lose weight

At least Nicholas thinks so. This weekend he lifted up my shirt, smacked my belly, said moo moo cow, the fluffed my tummy and used it for a pillow. Whoa, that's a blow to the ego when your 1 year old calls you fat without knowing that he just called you fat. I guess I need to start some crunches.

Monday, August 24, 2009


I almost forgot! Nicholas got his first haircut right before we left for Texas. I doubted getting it done at first, II almost forgot! Nicholas got his first haircut right before we left for Texas. I doubted getting it done at first, I couldn't imagine cutting off my baby's curls. Rich asked the stylist to take half off. We got thru it with a bit of crying, lots of wiggling, two lollipops, some Sponge Bob cartoons and Mommy holding Nicholas on her lap. I couldn't believe how much older he looked after it was all done. He looks like such a big boy! I'm so glad we got it done though it's much easier to manage, it's cooler, and he looks so good. I can't believe I let him run around with all that crazy hair and didn't get it clipped sooner.
Here's a few photos

The before:

The during:

The After:

Vacation and First Night Alone

Nicholas and I were on vacation the first week of August. We went to TX for McKinzy's first birthday. We stayed a week and were able to visit with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Kathy, and Baby Mac (as Nicholas calls her). We had some rough times. I learned my son DOES NOT like for anyone else to be the center of attention, and he can really put on a show when he's not getting his way. I think he had more time outs that week than he had his entire life up to that point. Between the two babies hitting, screaming, throwing, and not sharing it was never ever quiet nor boring.
We had some set backs with the potty training. He had his big boy undies all set and ready to go. The first full day we were there he did great, not a single accident! By the 2nd day, he wanted to wear diapers, go back to a bottle, and have a pacifier. He wanted to be the baby. My poor guy, it was hard for him being in a new place with new people without his regular routine and without his Daddy. It was a nice trip but I think a week was too long to have him away from home. Maybe next year it will be better because both kids will be 2 or maybe we'll cut the trip shorter and it will be more tolerable.

Here's a couple of photos of the cousins in action

and here's a face I saw a lot of that week.

I also spent my first night alone without Nicholas this past weekend. My grandfather isn't doing so well and I went to Pennsylvania to see him. I would up having to stay thru the night until we could determine how critical my grandfather was and I didn't have Nicholas with me. I think it was harder on me than it was on him. I still wanted to drive home at 1a.m. just so I could be there in case he woke up in the middle of the night. Rich said he had a rough day and was looking for his Mama but Ms. Commock stayed the night as well and they made it thru. I had a hard time going to sleep that night and couldn't wait to get him to see him Sunday morning. I don't think I want to do that again for a good long while.