Saturday, June 7, 2008

Baby shots round 2

Baby Golightly had his 2nd round of shots yesterday. We split them up because of the things we've heard about them possibly causing Autism and I'm so glad we did. If he got all those shots in one day, that would have been 4 shots and 1 oral injection! I can't imagine how he would have handled that. He's a pretty tough cookie. He cried for just a second when the doctor put the needles in his thighs but as soon as the needles were removed, he started laughing. The rest of the day was pretty rough - no sleep from 1p.m. until 9p.m. That makes for a really tired, cranky baby. He was up quite a bit last night too not really wanting to eat, just grouchy and I feel so bad for him. This morning though, he was happy, smiling, laughing, and so much better. That little guy just makes my world.

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