Thursday, June 12, 2008

I wish I would have never heard that story

My Mom told me a story yesterday about one of her students' sons. My Mom said he was such a sweet, smart, boy. He's been into the school to visit a few times and really attached himself to my Mom. She said he was always so well behaved and happy. When his Mom picked him up from daycare last Friday, she noticed a few bruises but the daycare told her they were already there when she brought him in. All throughout the weekend he seemed to be ok except he was a little tired. Sunday evening he had a seizure and they took him to the hospital. After examination, the doctor found that the baby had bruising around his neck, a skull fracture, and swelling in his brain. He's basically a vegetable now and won't ever be the same. The Mom, the Mom's live-in boyfriend, and the daycare are all under investigation for child abuse. The Mom and her boyfriend were arrested and aren't allowed to see the baby w/o supervision. The doctors say based upon the size of the bruising and the damages to the baby's skull, an adult had their hands around the baby's neck and were banging the baby's head against some hard surface. I've always felt children were so innocent and pure and any abuse towards them is wrong on every level, but now being a Mom myself of such an innocent, beautiful, pure angel - I fell it all the more. Hearing that story brought tears to my eyes and I wish my Mom hadn't told me about it. It's so painful to think of this baby being hurt in such a way that he will never be the same and I can't begin to understand what would bring a person to do such a thing. I can only pray that the person that did this will feel such guilt and be haunted by it the rest of their days. I also pray that the Mom isn't responsible and that she'll be exhonerated. It makes me all the more grateful that my son doesn't have to go to a daycare center and makes me want to hug him and kiss him a thousand times over.

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