Thursday, June 5, 2008

Brand new blogger!

Welcome to my brand new blog!!!!! I haven't ever really tried my hand at this but I'm hoping I'll be able to keep up and keep posting. I love reading other people's blogs and I can only hope I have enough intersting things to say to keep it going.

Anyhoo - we had terrible terrible storms in the area yesterday. We faired out ok at our house but there were 14 North Beach homes damaged, 5 are completely uninhabitable. Neighboring Chesapeake Beach had a roof torn off a restaurant and some homes damaged. There were lights out everywhere, trees down, and tons of traffic. I'm grateful we didn't get any wind or rain damage to our house and SweetBaby and I got home alright and MrHusband got home not too long after. Today most things seem to be back on track - it's sunny and bright and the drive in to work wasn't so bad - no street lights out at all.

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