Thursday, April 29, 2010

3 things Thursday

3 Things I'm loving this week

1) Restarting my blog. I've been actually good keeping up with it this time around and I'm really proud and happy about it. I love coming in here and looking back at the various posts and love sharing them with friends and family.

2) New wiper blades for my truck. It makes a world of difference and I was actually pleased when it rained this week.

3) This new hair stuff I got for Nicholas. It's called "Soft & Beautiful, Just for me" and it's touted as a puff tamer and controls the 'fro. I'm loving it!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Picture of the Week

This week's picture: Springtime tot

Beware the band-aid

Just a little PSA and an FYI. If your child has a band-aid on his boo-boo, even if it's a boo-boo that doesn't actually need a band-aid for medical purposes such as to stop bleeding or hold some body part together, the band-aid will render the limb or other portion of the body on which it's placed completely immobile for the time period that the band-aid is in tact.

The next day the affected body part will be completely back to normal until of course your child realizes the band-aid is still stuck to him at which point the perfectly normally working portion of your child's body will once again become useless.

Case in point.
Nicholas needed and I mean NEEDED a band-aid for this boo-boo on his hand. A boo-boo that has been scabbed over and hasn't oozed any blood or other fluids for almost a week now. The scab is actually half gone as the boo-boo is almost completely healed. I obliged his request last night because what can it hurt? From that point on, this arm was held at a 90 degree angle by his side for the rest of the evening and he was unable to hold his own cup, carry his own toys, or feel the presence of air on his poor little hand.

Doesn't he look pitiful?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Flowers from my man

I picked Nicholas up on Friday evening and he presented me with a bouquet of flowers that he picked for me.

This is a horrible picture taken on my cell phone as my camera died but here is my bouquet of dandelions. He's a charmer.

Hey Lady!!!!

I took Nicholas to the beach Friday night after we got home to ride his bike. He was really REALLY excited!
We were driving up the street, his window was down, he was feeling pretty awesome. Our neighbor was out front sweeping her walkway. As we passed by her house, Nicholas yells out the window, "Hey Lady, I go beach!!!"

He's a character I tell you.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cleaning out the closet

About 2 weeks ago we gave away a TON of Nicholas' baby stuff. Finally. It was clogging up his closet so bad, it looked like I was running a bootleg Babies R Us out of our house. I was happy to give it all to someone who could use it but it was so HARD to part with all of his things. I know he can't wear the clothes or shoes anymore and he can't actually sit in the newborn bouncer seat anymore but these are all things he used at some point. They all have little sentiments attached to them. So one Saturday I was feeling "spring cleany" and made up my mind that I was ready to part with it all. I made the phone call to the receiver immediately before I had time to change my mind.

Here's what one side of his closet looked like before the giveaway.
We parted with bottles, a Boppy pillow, a travel co-sleeper, bottle warmer, sanitizer, drying rack, breast pump, tummy time mat, high chair/shopping car cover, and an infant sleep positioner.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the closet
We gave away a jumper, a bouncy seat, a walker, a car seat and base, and a music table with walker attachment

Then all of these boxes are filled with clothes and shoes

There's so much more room in that closet now.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

3 things Thursday

1) Plaid shorts for Nicholas. One of my favorite outfits for him, any color or plaid shorts (and he's got lots) and a T-shirt or polo type shirt. He looks so handsome.
2) Sinus rinse. With all the pollen that's been in the air, this thing has been a life saver. It's made life breathable for the past week or so. I was scared to death of it at first but after trying it once, I'm hooked.

3) Nicholas' manners. He may be quite defiant at times. Very strong willed and stubborn but he's got manners. He says please, thank you, starting to say you're welcome, and he opens doors for you and takes his hat off when he enters a building. I've a little gentleman on my hands. Now if I could only get him to listen when I tell him things.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Nicholas' first knock knock joke

was laying in bed with Nicholas last night trying to get him to sleep. He was fighting it pretty bad. He starts knocking on the wall, knocking on my tummy, knocking on my shoulder, knocking on my forehead. All while saying something that I couldn't quite figure out. Eventually I got it, he was saying, "knock knock jokes, knock knock jokes." So he told me his first knock knock joke. It went like this:

Nicholas: knock knock jokes, knock knock jokes
Mommy: huh?
Nicholas: knock knock jokes, knock knock, jooooookes
Mommy: what?
Nicholas: knock knock jokes
Mommy: ooooooh, knock knock jokes, ok. Knock knock
Nicholas: knock knock
Mommy: who's there?
Nicholas: knock knock
Mommy: who's there?
Nicholas: orange
Mommy: huh?
Nicholas: orange
Mommy: what?
Nicholas: orange orange ORANGE
Mommy: oh orange, okay. Orange who?
Nicholas: orange orange ORANGE
Mommy: orange who
Nicholas: orange orange orange MOMMY!!!

Then tons of toddler laughter. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you the next Bill Cosby.

Monday, April 19, 2010

If I ever lose my job....

This is the sign I'm going to make and find me a corner

Photo by Mean Mommy, ankea97

Get together at Playseum

Nicholas and I went to playdate this weekend with some of our Mommy friends. There were 8 Moms, 1 Dad, and 10 babies. We gathered at the Be With Me Playseum in Bethesda. There's a bunch of little themed rooms where the kids can play. Then we walked to dinner and back to the car. Lots of fun. Nicholas was fast asleep before we hit the highway.

I love this photo taken by our friend Sara

Nicholas in the ball room. He was able to dunk on this hoop.

There was an animal room with bunnies, birds, a frog, a lizard, and fish. Nicholas was interested in all of the animals until they came out of their cages.

Here's our friend Marino meeting one of the bunnies.

Nicholas happy to see the bunny and say hi when he was still in the cage

Marino checking out the lizard

A baby bunny coming out of the cage

Marino meeting a dove.

In the rescue room, Nicholas driving the fire truck

Peekaboo in the rescue room

Nicholas driving a truck. It was next to impossible to get him to share this thing.

In the music room, Nicholas rocking out on the drums

Banging the drums with one of the twins. This is either Cameron or Evan. Not sure which.

Playing choo choo

Shopping. There was a little grocery store set-up with tiny shopping carts, food to buy, and a cash register to check-out at.

Throwing in some eggplant.
A couple of peaches got away.
Checking out the vegetables. He didn't actually put any of them in his cart. Shocker.
Getting some oranges
Browsing the aisles.
Choosing a 2nd tub of ice cream.

He's got ice cream, laundry detergent, and fruit.
Ready to check-out.

Playing in the sand room


Picture of the Week

This week's theme is nerdy baby/tot. I'm bringing out one of my favorite pictures of all time

04/23/10 - edited to announce: This week's picture won first prize in our mommy group's photo contest! Our first win!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Diaper hats

We were putting on pajamas Wednesday night after bath and Nicholas said he needed a hat. Now he does wear ball caps or pull on knit caps around the house at time because the boy LOVES hats but instead of grabbing one of those, he grabbed a diaper and put it on his head

Then he thought Mommy needed a hat too so I got in on the action

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Picture of the Week

My Mean Mommies always do a picture of the week contest (one of my goals in life is to finally win). I think I'm going to start posting the picture of the week here as well.

This week's picture is animal lover baby/tot. Unfortunately my tot isn't an animal lover but I LOVE this pic. This is Aunt Chris' dog, Myla. She's a Great Dane and was a mere puppy in this shot. Nicholas wasn't quite sure about her.

3 things Thursday

3 Things I love this week

1) The weather. It's been beautiful most days this week. Except Tuesday which was colder than I expected and rainy. Most days have been sunny and warmer. I love knowing it's going to be warm all day and beaing able to go outside in the evening with Nicholas to ride his bike on the boardwalk.

2) The "concentration face". Nicholas sticks out his little tongue when he's concentrating just like his Mommy does.

3) Nicholas' John Deere hat. He wears it everywhere.

Nicasso's masterpieces

I have an artiste' on my hands. Except my little painter doesn't use oils on canvas, he uses crayons & markers and draws on...well basically anything he can find. As demonstrated here:

Marker on the wall

Crayon on the wall

Marker on the side of the table

Marker on the top of the table

Marker on the top of the other side of the table

Crayon on the choo choo tracks

Crayon on the carpet

Marker on the carpet (it's very faint but it's green)

Marker on the chair

And marker on another chair
Marker on the playtable
And marker inside the cupholder on the playtable

Luckily most of this is removeable with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and some elbow grease.