Tuesday, April 13, 2010

2 Year height/weight stats and growth charts

We went for Nicholas' 2 year check-up yesterday (about 3 weeks late, oops). All is well, he's on target for everything and still growing like a weed. He's 34 pounds and about 39 inches. It was hard to get the height accurate because he didn't want to get measured.

He has a hate/hate relationship with any medical personnell that tries to examine him and he gave the doctor a severe kick to the gut. She left the room doubled over.

Well here's his growth charts for the past 2 years. Apparently kids at age 2 aren't allowed to be over 38 inches so I went as high as it would let me

Weight from birth to age 2

Height from birth to age 2

1 comment:

Sara B said...

I hope you have a basketball hoop for him, so he can sharpen his skills early!