Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Half Year Birthday!

To BabyGolightly...he is 6 months today. It really seems like yesterday he was still making my belly massive, making it impossible to sleep, impossible to walk, sit, stand, on and on. (He's still making it impossible to sleep & my belly is still bigger than it was before I got pregnant) At 6 months, he has one tooth sticking up from his bottom gums. The 2nd tooth - right beside it - is breaking thru, he can roll over from front to back and back to front, he stands with support for what seems like hours on end, he loves to jump in his jumper thing, he loves to run circles in his walker thing, he eats about 45 ounces of formula a day (we go thru a can of powdered formula ever 4 to 5 days) he eats 3 servings of cereal, fruit and/or vegetables a day, he loves to take a bath and has figured out it's cool to splash in the water and get Mommy all wet, he loves to go out anywhere but especially for walks outside. He loves flirting with all the ladies by flashing his big smile and showing that 1 dimple, he's a drooling machine and will put basically anything that doesn't run away from him in his mouth, he's wearing 18 month old size clothes, size 3 diapers (but we're stretching that, it's time to move up to 4), he's just started banging on his highchair tray, he laughs and laughs until he gets the hiccups, he still squeals when he's excited, he lets out a constant AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH when riding in the car (I guess that's to listen to how the bumps affect the sound), he wakes up in the morning and starts to talking - Dadaaaaddddaaadadeeedeee (I keep trying to encourage ummmmMommaaaa) and has figured out his voice can go from high to low and back again and fancies himself a pretty good singer. He loves it when Mommy dances around like a fool and he's the only person on the face of the Earth that actually enjoys Mommy's singing. He's a good boy, hardly ever a problem except on those few days recently that his teeth are really bothering him. We've been blessed with such a beautiful little piece of heaven but I can't believe how big he's getting, how fast he's growing, and how quickly the time if flying by.

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