Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back from our trip to Texas

BabyGolightly and I went to Texas last Friday to visit my parents, my sister, and her newborn little girl. It was a great trip - too short, as always. For his first plane ride, BabyGolightly did exceptionally well - as everybody told us. He was all the rave at the airport, on the plane, in baggage claim, in the parking garage - everywhere he went, everyone was in love. He did great on take off and landing even with the change in cabin pressure, his little ears were fine. He slept thru most all of the flights except the last one where he got a little restless. Luckily there was a little boy across the aisle that kept making faxed at him, keeping him entertained. I had to change his diaper and clothes in the airplane bathroom which is not easy with a squirming 20 pound bundle of energy on your hands but we got it done. Of course he flirted with a few of the flight attendants which got us an offer to move up to first class - he's already learned how to use his good looks, I'm going to have to watch that. A lady in the airport even took his picture. We met up with my Mom, sister, her boyfriend/fiance'/cohabitant/babby daddy/one day to be husband/whatever you call him, and my new little niece at the airport, got the bags, and headed to the roaring town of Lytle. My Dad came home a little while later and we all just hung out. My niece is wonderful - so small. I can't believe mine was ever that little but he was. My sister is feeling the exhaustion of having a newborn and trying to recover from a C-section (I remember how that feels and glad I'm used to it by now) so she's a little miserable but it was still good to see her. We didn't get to hang out and act goofy like we always do and I missed that but it's ok, we'll be able to do that about 18 years from now when our kids are grown.

It was a great time, I wish we could have stayed longer. By the end BabyGolightly and I were both so exhausted and we conked out as soon as we laid down for a nap yesterday. MrGolightly was glad to have us back - he really missed his little boy and today's his birthday so what better gift than to get his son back in his arms.

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