Monday, July 27, 2009

Ladies Man

Yes, I have a bonafide ladies man on my hands. We went walking on the boardwalk and pier Saturday around 6:oopm. Normally we go really early in the morning and there's hardly anybody out there - just some fishermen and a handful of older folks getting exercise. When we went at 6:00 it was still slightly crowded there were tons of ladies to fawn all over Nicholas. How can they resist? He waves at them and says, "hiiiiii", bats his eyes, turns his head to the side, and gives a sly little half smile. Then he turns to Mommy, buries his head in between my legs and acts all shy. Aaaaawwwww, isn't he the cutest? Isn't he adorable? Yeah ladies, he is. And he's working you too. He's playing you for your compliments. How do I know this? When he sees a man, he waves and keeps on walking.

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