Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Excuse me

So this is something that happened a while back but I have to post it for posterity. Can't let this one get forgotten.

Since Nicholas was really little when he would walk up and want to get by you or want you to get out of his way he would say, "Move."
Everytime I would tell him, "We don't say move we say excuse me."

So fast forward some months. I pick Nicholas up from his Grandma's and she tells me this little happening of the day:
She was moving his highchair in the kitchen and he was standing right behind her. She said to him, "move Nicholas."
She told me he looked at her, crinkled up his eyebrows like he does and said very sternly, "You don't say move. You say excuse me."

My bossy boy is now the politeness police

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