Friday, April 23, 2010

Cleaning out the closet

About 2 weeks ago we gave away a TON of Nicholas' baby stuff. Finally. It was clogging up his closet so bad, it looked like I was running a bootleg Babies R Us out of our house. I was happy to give it all to someone who could use it but it was so HARD to part with all of his things. I know he can't wear the clothes or shoes anymore and he can't actually sit in the newborn bouncer seat anymore but these are all things he used at some point. They all have little sentiments attached to them. So one Saturday I was feeling "spring cleany" and made up my mind that I was ready to part with it all. I made the phone call to the receiver immediately before I had time to change my mind.

Here's what one side of his closet looked like before the giveaway.
We parted with bottles, a Boppy pillow, a travel co-sleeper, bottle warmer, sanitizer, drying rack, breast pump, tummy time mat, high chair/shopping car cover, and an infant sleep positioner.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the closet
We gave away a jumper, a bouncy seat, a walker, a car seat and base, and a music table with walker attachment

Then all of these boxes are filled with clothes and shoes

There's so much more room in that closet now.

1 comment:

Sara B said...

I know the feeling. I've been hustling all of Marino's gear (not clothes or toys, just the actual baby gear) on Craig's List and it's painful to part with the stuff. Like, um, I want to stab myself in the eye knowing I won't use it again:( I was actually going to post about this soon...