Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Nicholas' first knock knock joke

was laying in bed with Nicholas last night trying to get him to sleep. He was fighting it pretty bad. He starts knocking on the wall, knocking on my tummy, knocking on my shoulder, knocking on my forehead. All while saying something that I couldn't quite figure out. Eventually I got it, he was saying, "knock knock jokes, knock knock jokes." So he told me his first knock knock joke. It went like this:

Nicholas: knock knock jokes, knock knock jokes
Mommy: huh?
Nicholas: knock knock jokes, knock knock, jooooookes
Mommy: what?
Nicholas: knock knock jokes
Mommy: ooooooh, knock knock jokes, ok. Knock knock
Nicholas: knock knock
Mommy: who's there?
Nicholas: knock knock
Mommy: who's there?
Nicholas: orange
Mommy: huh?
Nicholas: orange
Mommy: what?
Nicholas: orange orange ORANGE
Mommy: oh orange, okay. Orange who?
Nicholas: orange orange ORANGE
Mommy: orange who
Nicholas: orange orange orange MOMMY!!!

Then tons of toddler laughter. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you the next Bill Cosby.

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