Monday, April 19, 2010

Get together at Playseum

Nicholas and I went to playdate this weekend with some of our Mommy friends. There were 8 Moms, 1 Dad, and 10 babies. We gathered at the Be With Me Playseum in Bethesda. There's a bunch of little themed rooms where the kids can play. Then we walked to dinner and back to the car. Lots of fun. Nicholas was fast asleep before we hit the highway.

I love this photo taken by our friend Sara

Nicholas in the ball room. He was able to dunk on this hoop.

There was an animal room with bunnies, birds, a frog, a lizard, and fish. Nicholas was interested in all of the animals until they came out of their cages.

Here's our friend Marino meeting one of the bunnies.

Nicholas happy to see the bunny and say hi when he was still in the cage

Marino checking out the lizard

A baby bunny coming out of the cage

Marino meeting a dove.

In the rescue room, Nicholas driving the fire truck

Peekaboo in the rescue room

Nicholas driving a truck. It was next to impossible to get him to share this thing.

In the music room, Nicholas rocking out on the drums

Banging the drums with one of the twins. This is either Cameron or Evan. Not sure which.

Playing choo choo

Shopping. There was a little grocery store set-up with tiny shopping carts, food to buy, and a cash register to check-out at.

Throwing in some eggplant.
A couple of peaches got away.
Checking out the vegetables. He didn't actually put any of them in his cart. Shocker.
Getting some oranges
Browsing the aisles.
Choosing a 2nd tub of ice cream.

He's got ice cream, laundry detergent, and fruit.
Ready to check-out.

Playing in the sand room


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